The Old Church on the Dry Ridge
15 Warsaw Avenue
Dry Ridge, KY
Join us Sundays at 11:00 a.m.
Our Prayer
Gracious Lord God, we pray for this small band of believers - your people, descended from those who established this congregation in the Kentucky wilderness in 1791 and have worshiped you in unbroken tradition since that time. We ask that you will show us the way forward, as we continue to welcome all who seek you.
When you are a follower of Jesus, you go nowhere merely by chance.
Where you go God is sending you; where you are, God has placed you.
The Holy Spirit who fills you is doing something in you and through you,
wherever you are.
Believe this because it is true.
Believe it and go, in the love and power and grace of Jesus Christ
And in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
(paraphrased from Rev. Richard C. Halverson, U. S. Senate Chaplain 1981-95)
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